On 21st September 2015, the National Director of IAYP, Mr.Kapil Bhalla and Programme Manager Mr.Bivujit Mukhoty along with Mr.Kartik Bhalla came to visit the IAYP unit of Rasik Bhita.
He met all the awardees of Rasik Bhita (70 Bronze, 5 Silver and 2 Gold). Mr.Mukhoty interacted with them and inspired them by narrating his experiences.
Mr. Bhalla interviewed 4 gold award holders from this unit regarding the place of award in their lives and their achievements after enrolling in it.
Awardees having painting as their skill showed them their creations whereas awardees with cooking as their skill enthusiastically prepared snacks for the visiting team.
On 22nd September , Mr .Bhalla and Mr.Mukhoty went to Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Baladbandh, a village in Hooghly district where a unit of IAYP is being run under the guidance of Rasik Bhita.
Mr.Mukhoty and Mr.Bhalla interacted with the awardees of Baladbandh and Kumrogodi where another unit of IAYP is being run under Rasik Bhita’s guidance and watched a yoga presentation by them. They also visited the skill development programmeat Baladbandh which is being funded by IAYP and saw the hand made jewellery . Mr.Bhalla liked the jewellery and bought a few to encourage them. Awardees of the Kumrogodi unit also showcased their skills in stitching.
Next the team went to the neighbouring village of Paani Sheola , where a group of tribal women were being taught by the awardees of Baladbandh under their Service section.
The women of this village welcomed the group and eagerly showed them their new found skill in reading, writing and counting, which they had never dreamt that they will be able to learn at such advanced ages.