As part of the decennial celebration, a weeklong exhibition named ‘WORLD IN 2050’ was inaugurated at Sarada Bhita, the new extension of Rasik Bhita by Pravrajika Atandraprana, Assistant General Secretary, Sri Sarada Math & Ramakrishna Sarada Mission on 29th July 2012 at 11 a.m .

The exhibition welcomed the visitors to the world of 2050 with inspiring quotes of Swamiji envisioning the future.
The life and times of 2050 as visualized by the students was depicted using charts and models. Robots helping us in daily activities, painless treatment of cancer using nano-technology, solar power becoming the major energy provider, visually and physically challenged people being helped by science to lead normal lives, wearable computers becoming part of the fashionable attire- such were the glimpses of 2050.

‘Go where you like’ was a favourite with many where blue screen technology was used to photograph them and transport them to their place of choice. Gaming section was another favourite where adults and children alike flocked to the computer games conceptualized and designed by the students.

The animation and editing projects of the students of Rasik Bhita were showcased on a big screen. Also, major issues like population explosion, scarcity of natural resources etc. were mentioned using a presentation. To address these global problems focus was driven to Swamiji’s vision of a race of super human beings having a combination of head and heart .