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wave Rasik Bhita

Address: 24/1, R.N. Tagore Road, Dakshineswar,Kolkata-35 is the main campus of Sri Sarada Math, Rasik Bhita. This building was inaugurated in the year 2001 commencing the journey of the institute. Later on, the other extensions of the institute followed one after the other.

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wave Rasik Bhita Annex-New Premises with the support of Tata Trust

Address: 24/1, R.N.Tagore Road,Dakshineswar,Kolkata-35 – With the aim to aid skill development, the new building of Rasik Bhita has been conceptualized and constructed as an extension of the institute premises.
This new extension accommodates an increased number of students pursuing various courses of Computer and Communicative English.
The ground floor consists of a spacious staff room and students’ waiting room with a garden and open space outside. The first floor opens into a large hall, ideal for conference, seminars and presentations.
There are computer labs and English classes on the 1st and 2nd floor of the new building which has enhanced the possibilities of improved learning and skill development opportunities. The entire project has been funded by Tata Trust and Rasik Bhita is indebted to them for the financial support, encouragement and positive gesture

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wave Sarada Bhita

Address: 4/2,T.N.Biswas Road,Kolkata-35 This 3-storied building, very near to Rasik Bhita, was inaugurated by most Rev. Pravrajika Bhaktiprana Mataji, President, Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission on 23rd of May, 2012. The building serves as the extension of Rasik Bhita premises. Computer and English classes are regularly held here. Free cold water supply is also provided for the public from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

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wave Vivekananda Bhavan

Address: 7A, Jadunath Sarbobhoume Lane,Kolkata-35 This building was acquired in the month of April 2017. A part of the ground floor serves as an outlet for Rasik Bhita, Chhatrimangal, a students’ cooperative, selling books, posters, laminated photographs, photo frames, writing pads, bookmarks etc. On 3rd September 2018, this building was inaugurated by Most Revered Vice-President Pravrajika Anandaprana Mataji.

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wave Nivedita Bhavan

Address: 29/1, R.N.Tagore Road Sri Sarada Math Rasik Bhita purchased a two-storied building at 29/1, R.N.Tagore Road adjacent to its main building at 24/1, R.N.Tagore Road. On 23rd March 2018, Revered Pravrajika Amalaprana Mataji, General Secretary, Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission inaugurated the renovated building by offering flowers to Sri Thakur, Maa and Swamiji.

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Sri Sarada Math-Rasik Bhita

The place is sanctified by the visits of Sri Ramakrishna.This holy place was donated to Sri Sarada Math, Dakshineswar, where the Math authorities started an Educational & Cultural wing, 'Sri Sarada Math - Rasik Bhita' to impart vocational and technical education to the girl students only, with a view to develop their personality combining modernity with tradition.

Call Us
  • Dakshineswar: 033-2544-4999 / 033-2564-9824
  • Dumdum Park: 033-4006-7885
Contact Details

Dakshineswar-24/1,R.N. Tagore Road, Dakshineswar,Kol-35

Dumdum Park-490,Dumdum Park,
Near Tank No.3,Kol-55

Official Email: rasikbhita10@gmail.com

For Admission & Course Related Queries: rbforstudent@gmail.com